Carolina Ilic
Principal Transportation Planner,
VRPA Technologies
Carolina Ilic, MCP, AICP, is a Principal Transportation Planner at VRPA Technologies in Fresno, California. Previously, Carolina was the Assistant Director at Fresno Area Express (FAX), the transit operator for the City of Fresno. As Assistant Director, Carolina oversaw the Planning, Capital, and Information Services divisions. Before that, Carolina served as the Planning Manager of FAX and managed near-term transit service adjustments, conducted long-term planning efforts for the transit system, and coordinated the integration of land use and transportation planning with the city’s Planning and Public Works Departments, the Fresno Council of Governments, the High-Speed Rail Authority, and other agencies. Prior to her work at the City of Fresno, Carolina was a regional planner at the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for almost 25 years. Carolina holds a master’s degree in City Planning from San Diego State University (SDSU) and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Carolina has two adult twin daughters, is an avid pickleball player, and serves on the Central Section APA Board of Directors as the Sierra Retreat Coordinator. She is also an active member of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) and a frequent presenter at conferences and university classes.
11:10 AM - 12:10 PM