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Terry Ogle

Executive Director,

Measure C/Fresno County Transportation Authority

Terry Ogle was appointed as the Executive Director of the Fresno County Transportation Authority (FCTA) in January 2024. He serves as an at-will employee to a nine-member board of directors that includes local elected officials and public at-large members.  Ogle is responsible for a variety of duties to ensure the ongoing success of Measure C. His primary role is to carry out the board’s strategies for implementing the programs and projects funded by the 20-year Measure C half-cent transportation sales tax in Fresno County along  with spearheading the renewal efforts. Terry Ogle, Executive Director.


His goal at the FCTA is to ensure the $1.2 billion program will help facilitate a vibrant economy, clean our Valley air, and leverage local Measure C funds with state and federal dollars in order to improve our regional transportation system.


His experience includes leading teams in project delivery, project management, design engineering, transportation and construction management while working for Caltrans, High Speed Rail and several global engineering firms.  


Ogle began his career in transportation with Caltrans in District 6, Fresno Regional Office. He was responsible for managing the design and delivery of many Measure C funded projects. He served as a Resident Engineer in construction as well as the Project Development and Design Office Chief for the Central Region.


Prior to joining the FCTA, Ogle was the Project Director with a global consulting firm working on the California High Speed Rail Project. His duties included delivery of the $3+ billion Central Valley High Speed Train infrastructure projects through 120 miles of Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare and Kern Counties.  


Ogle is a New Mexico State University State graduate and a California Professional Engineer. He is currently a resident of Reedley with his wife Mary and has called the Valley home for over 35-years. He has four adult daughters and six grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with family, cycling, traveling, wood working and old vintage cars.  

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